Saturday, May 8, 2010

Last Chance

Friday is the day to finalize everything.

The changes made during the week need to be signed off, as does the contract amendment and the invoice for the added costs.

But of course it can't be just that simple.  Conversations with our friends and neighbours over the past days has raised the issue of increasing the height of the ground floor - more air, more light, better view from the bedroom terrace.  So we agree Lisle will talk to Robert about this before we finalize things. 

All in all might be possible to increase the height by a foot without impacting the design, the timelines or the cost - a good solution - Robert will be back to us in the next few days - I am sure he will be glad to have this signed off for good - - talk about scope creep!!!!

Lisle spent Friday evening at the monthly potluck - about 30 people mostly from Toronto and the surrounding area are hosted by on of the neighbours with a large house on a large lot.  Food, fun, gossip - a great way to begin those relationships.

As I am writing this, I received his Saturday morning call - all packed and just waiting for Keith to come and get the keys.  He is going to try to find a large tile place on his way back to San Jose.  I just don't want him to forget the coffee!!

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