Sunday, August 24, 2014

Scream Like a Girl!

Yes, I do ... not often, but when it is called for.

Just finished a nice hour in the pool - Lisle and I floating and chatting - time to get out.  He grabs a towel off the chair dries and heads inside.  I pull the float out and lean it against the BBQ.

I grab the towel draped over the patio tub chair from yesterday.  As I draw it to my chest to start drying - PLOP!

This falls out of the towel and lands between my feet - hence the scream!  It is very peeved at being disturbed and just sits there.

Having recovered, it is time to send him back home - a nudge with the pool skimmer usually does it - and it does, except it appears home is under the chair which is where he goes in one long leap and a little scurry.

I pick up the chair - no frog!  Not seriously!!  Lisle can you come look inside the chair?  Sure enough, he had climbed all the way up inside - a few knocks got him down and out.  So he immediately jumped in the pool.  No escape there - I am VERY handy with the skimmer - one swoop and one fling and he was back in the jungle!

A little too close to getting intimate with a frog!!

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you check your knapsacks before departing for Canada!@
