Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Dream ... and the Reality

In the thoughts of vacation home and retirement, it is very easy to forget the realities of this dream.

Sunday, after a day at the beach, Keith and Karen were unable to cross the river.  They headed to friends for dinner and returned later to find it still high.  Keith scoped it out, and they were able to make it through and spend the night in their own bed.

Unfortunately one of the locals and his grandson were not so lucky - swept away crossing a nearby river about the same time.  The forces of nature are not something to underestimate.    Hmmm .... a bridge is sounding better all the time.

On a cheerier note, a new photo.  Keith was out in the car with the dog (actually it's the neighbour's dog but I think he prefers Keith and Karen) - Lisle said this was taken from the CoffeeCam!  The new structure is the carport.

1 comment:

  1. Yes we did, and still do. We're not there yet; budget problems, but the will is strong and our dreams will come true. Our piece of paradise would be in Asia.
    Yup! It looks very promising.
    I'll stay tuned to see how it evolves.
