Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Blank Slate

So, out with 2013 and in with 2014.

Last night was a dark starry sky filled with fireworks from the village and music, food, drink and chatter at the neighbourhood party.

A gathering of the usual suspects at Casa Faust - Dean and Michelle, Keith and Karen, Bruce and Barb, Dwight and Wendy, Doug and Samira, and Lisle and I - brought a grand pot luck feast - dips and nachos, ceasar salad, green bean salad, pulled pork, meatballs, breaded chicken, BBQ sausage, cheesy mashed potatoes, lemon cheesecake - - - along with way too much wine.

Add the requisite Roy Orbison and the evening was complete.

As enjoyable as it was, even with an afternoon nap, staying up until 1 am here is almost impossible!!!

2014 dawned at 5 am with the howlers - very close but still hidden - calling until almost 5:30, when the birds started - screeching and chattering - - waking the jungle - - then at 7 - silence!  another hour of sleep.

So I read yesterday that 2013 NYE was an especially momentous evening because it coincided with the new moon - something that happens about once every 20 years - - entering the new year with a blank slate all around.

While his last day in the office was December 13, retirement begins officially for Lisle in late January - a big change for us both - the start of a more permanent shift to Costa Rica - - this year will bring the sale of our home (hopefully soon and easily!) and the sorting of family responsibilities (Lisle's 94 year old father still needs support) - - I like the idea of a blank slate - - time to write the next chapter!!

Happy New Year to all!

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