Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Lizard's Tale

So I spent the afternoon on the patio reading while Lisle was working with Christian.  It started to get dark, so in I come to close up the screens and settle in for the evening.

Something moves on the floor - - our first in-home gecko (actually I think it is an Anole, but I wasn't checking credentials).

I tried chasing it out with a broom - stamping at it - throwing a pillow at it - a jumpy little thing that scampers and freezes - impossible to catch and even harder to try and herd out the door

Lisle arrives home and I introduce him to our new occupant - "Did you try ...."  Of course I did but he is a fast little critter.

One might say - why not just leave the little thing be - - well, they make a clucking sound and leave behind droppings that look like thin beads of black caulk!  Not well behaved house guests!!

Lisle's solution?  We'll suck him up with the shop vac!!!!!
Approach slowly and move quickly as he runs from the major sucking machine!!

Some magic wand action and Voila!! Gecko gone!! - - Vacuum goes outside (just in case the sneaky bugger crawls out)

Well actually NO!  45 minutes later, he was sitting on the counter

Another attack with the giant sicking machine over the fruit and vegetables, around the blender and cornered behind the fruit bowl - a few jabs of the wand for good measure and DONE.  I shift all on the counter - no Gecko - all good.  Vacuum back outside. (no photos as he was doing all this in his underwear!)

6 am arrives and I venture down to open up and make coffee.  Something move in the clean dishes drying on the counter - the Gecko leaps from under a bowl and lands on the rim of one of the plastic tumblers.  Slowly I pick up the tumbler and walk it outside - the little thing doesn't move (either injured or traumatized by the events of last evening) - set it on the table come back inside and close the door - I look 10 minutes later and it is gone - a Gecko-Free home once more (or at least none we know of!)

1 comment:

  1. No, no, no! Let them geckos be! They eat all kinds of insects in your house. We like the sound of their chirping. The poops are nothing to clean up.
