Tuesday, August 14, 2012


So, sitting doing some work - it wasn't exactly a quiet morning since the garden crew was present.  Suddenly the one worker appears up the steps to the pump room whistling loudly for the other who is weed whacking.  The machine stops - the guy comes flying past, grabs the shovel, leaps over the hedge and down the back slope.

Knowing something is happening, I slip into shoe and go down the road where they are chopping up a snake with the shovel - Serpent malo?  I ask - si si si is the response - -pequeno pero malo.  It was curled up under the Mani the guy was trimming along the edge of the cuneta.  It was about a foot long and thin (about half the size of your baby finger)  obvious triangular head and brown markings all down the back and a pale underside - - Fer de Lance?  would appear so - they dug a hole and buried it before I could go back and get the camera - not that a chopped up snake is good viewing material!

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